Monday 20 April 2009

"Collapse of US Dollar” Why Did I Not See This Coming?

British invented “The Banks” and controlled the world finance before the World Wars, and then taken over by the Americans who made money by supporting Germans and the British. Now both are locked in together “Rubbing Shoulder To Shoulder” they are inseparable.

What will you do, if your investment is in Dollar? Politicians for centuries have concealed their wealth in Swiss Banks in Dollar, bought property-paying Dollars, and established business in USA converting all their savings in Dollar. Obviously, what aids and sustains the US dollar is a ‘suspended sense of disbelief’ amongst countries about the value of US dollar. Excess supply will obviously result in a fall in the value of any product. The US Dollar ($) and Sterling Pound (£) are no exception.

George Bush & Toney Blaire were passionately drumming up support, threatening Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and later killed him along with millions of Iraqis, looted their oil, antiques and now abandoning them in disarray. Why don’t you think these clowns are not invading Tibet, Sri Lanka or Burma? Sadam Hussain, once a buddy of the US President fell apart because he started exploiting the inherent weakness of the US dollar, He wanted to trade his crude oil in Euros, (French & Germans loved the idea) which would have lead to a lower demand for the US Dollar and thereby triggered a dollar collapse. This was the ‘weapons of mass destruction “WMD”.

Now Venezuela and Iran too possess the very same “WMD”, but the Americans are not brave enough to invade. So they elected “Black President”, but why ?. I always say there are no freebees in marketing. Its easy to sell to the majority coloured (Asians & Chinese) telling them “We Americans are not Racists”, we are here to help you, your investment is safe”. G2 summit did exactly what I expected, get the funding (1 Trillion $) from the Chinese, telling them we will loan the funds to developing nations. They will buy goods from the west (made in China). Our boys (have jobs & so pay tax) can go and help these poor countries build roads to drive our cars. In return, China will continue to trade and sell their toys, plastic buckets and shoes in USA and Europe. Indians are lost and waiting for America and Europe to kick-start their economy, so they can provide their service and continue renting office space to establish more call centres.

Crude oil is produced mainly in the Middle East; officially, it can be only purchased in dollar terms from one of the two oil exchanges situated in New York and London. Obviously, should Iran carry out the threat to commence oil trade in Euros or better still an oil exchange, the US dollar would come under tremendous pressure. USA will require some specious arguments and military intervention to protect the US dollar. Never in the history of humankind has a national army protected the national currency so vigorously as the US Army has done is the past decade.

US dollar is now a promissory note of a bankrupt company because this currency is not backed by gold, it is just a piece of paper. When US abandoned the Gold Standard (Dollar was backed by Gold earned from Germany & UK by funding two World Wars) in early 70s, countries habituated by then to the US dollar under the Bretton Woods arrangement countries continued to accept the US dollar as an international currency. The world was not prepared for any other alternative so prevented the collapse of global economy in1971. This diplomatic silence did not solve the problem but merely postponed has come back to haunt us. May be things would have been different in 1971 because the population was only 30% of what it is now. We have more mouths to feed and more greedy people to manage.

Post gold standard, by a tacit approval of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and strategic manoeuvring, the US had ensured that its currency is implicitly backed by crude, instead of gold. This explains the American ‘geo-political and strategic interests’ in the Middle East.

However, over time, even this was found to be insufficient and consequently the oil standard of the 70s gave way to an implicit multiple commodity standard of today. Naturally, commodity prices including crude prices have soared in the past few years. Unfortunately, this arrangement too is failing the US Dollar. No wonder, protecting US dollar is more important than than global warming. They are not ready to find alternative fuel or use battery-powered cars.
It is no coincidence that global trade in most commodities, including oil, is denominated in US dollars, as the respective international exchanges are located in the US. To what extent are the prices of these commodities manipulated to protect the US dollar is anybody’s guess.

Countries are have realised the value of the US dollar is not sustainable, whatever be the ‘officially managed exchange rate.’ Few people now want the US dollar and so are investing in Gold. If Iran starts trading oil in Euro or Rupees and other currencies, the demand for the US dollar will fall similar to Twin Towers on 9/11.

US Fed is not willing to make public the M3 figures, as it does not want the holding position of the US dollar to be publicised. Some economists are still betting on central banks of other countries to defend the US dollar. It would seem that the US has ‘outsourced’ even this sovereign function to the central banks of other countries. After all, should the US dollar collapse, the biggest losers will not be the US and those who own assets and savings locked up in US dollar in Swiss Bank Lockers.

Naturally, countries holding US dollar reserves are caught in the middle – if they decide to correct the global imbalance, it could result in the imminent collapse of the US dollar, and should they continue to defend the US dollar, they would be a long-term loser as the current arrangement has seeds of self-destruction.

Every central banker is conscious of this fact and is trying hard to postpone the inevitable. Bankers are grabbing in funds and paying them huge bonus payment, we are left in the lurch, twiddling our thumb watching the drama unfold. No one has the guts or the courage to speak out because we were enjoying ourselves parted our freedom.

What a fool, I have been in the last twenty years trying to bring in changes in the way various practical procedures are performed in hospitals. I was so focused on my "bug busting", I failed to stop doctors and nurses offer tender loving care by allowing the bugs to feed on patients in our hospitals and the politicians draining our funds. Believe me, nature is more powerful than you imagine, and I can see the wave coming in like Tsunami and is likely to wipe out a generation. Mr Attenborough, need not work hard to promote family planning and I need not worry about my pension.

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